Jake & ChelsieRSVP2022/05/28 14:30:48RSVPAre you attending? Delighted to acceptDecline with regret 1 guest2 guests3 guests4 guests ReceptionCeremonyParty StarterA. Wild Boar, apple and pulled pork croquette with watercress and mustard aioliB. Duck, ham, chicken and black garlic terrine with pear chutney (GF)C. Piccolo tomato tart with ricotta and basil oil (V) Main CourseA. Corn-fed chicken with baby leeks, buttered parmentier, mushroom and squash veloutéB. Parsley crusted cod loin with potato cake, crushed peas and champagne veloutéC. Aged beef fillet with duck parfait, buttered kale, pomme anna, roast carrots and madeira sauce DessertA. Eton Mess (V, GF)B. Warm treacle tart (V, GF)C. Local cheese selection, with biscuits, chutney and fruits (GF available) Childrens StarterA. Duo of melon (V, GF, Ve)B. Vegetable crudités with hummus and salsa dip (V, GF, Ve) Childrens MainA. Breaded chicken fillets with triple cooked chips and garden peasB. Mixed vegetable skewer with minted couscous, provençal sauce Childrens DessertA. Neapolitan ice creamB. Fruit salad (GF, Ve)